Feature | Digital Marketing for Social Enterprises

How Social Enterprises Can Use Digital Marketing To Increase Impact

What is digital marketing for social enterprises? Social enterprises are organisations that apply commercial strategies to augment improvements in social, financial, and environmental well-being. Social enterprises differ from a conventional business in that the profits made are mainly used to further a social cause.

A social enterprise has the potential to generate high revenue, with most of the profits being reinvested into social developments to benefit society as a whole as opposed to being pocketed by shareholders. With that being said, you may be wondering how digital marketing ties into all of this? And how can the use of digital marketing assist your social enterprise to have a greater impact on the online community that it wishes to reach?

To better understand the impact digital marketing can have on the online success of your social enterprise, let’s take a look at three social enterprise types and how to best impact the audience on each platform.

Three Social Enterprise Types

The Innovation Model

This model directly addresses social needs with the invention of pioneering products. Whether it’s providing green energy or feeding children in impoverished countries, these companies take their social initiatives seriously. And in doing so benefit entire societies for the better. Examples for this type of model is; My Future Super and Substation33.

Digital Marketing for Selling Your Innovative Product to Interested Buyers

The growing concern about environmental and social issues means that consumers are looking for alternatives to traditional products and services.  Paid advertising on Google, Facebook and other platforms help innovators connect with buyers who are interested in their product but may not even know it exists!  If you’re innovative, you may even be able to get funding for your advertising!

Digital Marketing for a social enterprise is as an artist’s work is to an easel, the easel holds up and displays the artwork for all to see and admire. Digital Marketing functions more or less work in the same way as an easel as it allows social enterprises to choose their preferred social media platforms as a marketing tool to display their products and services. Knowing which social media platform to use to reach specific audiences will boost your impact rate tremendously.

The Employment Model

The employment model is precisely that; this model seeks to employ the disadvantaged, disabled, and otherwise socially excluded people. These types of companies operating on this model also provide volunteer work and training. This model is mainly aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty. Examples for this type of model is; Vanguard Laundry Services and Endeavour Foundation.

Digital Marketing to Share Success

Storytelling is a powerful way to engage with businesses that may be able to offer employment opportunities.  Digital content like videos and case studies are great for making an emotional connection with your audience. Share success stories on your website and social media and promote the businesses that are providing employment opportunities.

You get to tell your story and control your narrative. Everybody loves a good story. By telling yours and allowing others to do the same by sharing their experiences with your social enterprise, you open up the floor (or should I say the Web) and show how your initiatives have impacted them or their communities for the better.

Employment Model | Digital Marketing for Social Enterprises

The Give Back Model

The give back model is aimed at giving back for every purchase made. Companies that operate on this model give back to society in different ways. Some give their products as donations to those in need while others may render a service that may be hard to come by or otherwise expensive. This model provides the public as well as consumers an enormous amount of insight into the physical and motivating measurement of the company’s social impact. Examples for this type of model are; Thankyou Company and TOMS.

Digital Marketing for Social Enterprises and Brand Awareness

The more products sold, the greater the impact purchases can make.  There are so many products to choose from but if consumers are aware they are contributing to a good social cause, they may decide to choose one product over another.  Cause Brands need consumers to know that they exist and that they give back. Brand awareness campaigns through advertising, social media and influencer outreach can help spread the word about your products.

Know who your audience is through digital marketing. Be clear and concise on who it is you want to reach then work at gaining their interest through the creation of engaging content.  Be sure that the material that is created for your audience is meaningful and in this way will you begin to build your brand reputation.

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If you are looking for digital marketing for social enterprises, then allow Amica Digital to assist you with creating impactful content. We specialise in all things digital marketing such as; advertising copy and creatives, social media posts and sales page copy. We work with you to understand your goals and to choose the digital channels to best suit your business and have a more significant impact on your community.


*Editor’s Note: This post has been updated on September 2020 for accuracy.

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