What We Do

We provide expert ecommerce consulting and support tailored to your Shopify store's unique needs. Whether you're launching your first store or aiming to scale your business, our dedicated team is here to partner with you through every challenge and opportunity.

  • Ready to Grow or Expand to New Markets

    You've had some success with your store but you know you could be selling more.

    But how?

    - Are you looking to sell in new markets?
    - Do you need to increase AOV or CLTV?
    - Is your CAC too high?

    We can analyse the data and work with you to develop the ideal growth strategy.

  • High Agency Costs

    Do you pay your digital agency a monthly fee to do "stuff" that you hope is growing your business but you're not 100% sure what it is they do?

    We understand digital and we know what agencies should be doing to grow your ecommerce store.

    We can "audit" their work and give you recommendations on how they could be doing better or where you could save costs.

  • Technical Issues

    You want a feature or some functionality added to your store but you're not sure how to go about it.

    We've worked with hundreds of stores and we stay up to date on the latest developments and Shopify apps.

    We can help you write a clear spec to make sure all of your needs are covered, then we can brief experienced developers or source and test apps / AI and recommend the best ones to meet your needs.

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Strategy Development & Planning

We help you build effective digital marketing strategies based on your goals and budget.



Team and Agency Support

We make sure your internal team and external agencies are focusing on the right things and delivering a return on your investment.



Audits and Performance Analysis

We like to let the numbers tell the story. We are expert in analysing the data to tell us which key ecommerce metrics need the most focus.